Rare causes of persistent wheeze that mimic poorly controlled asthma.

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Rare causes of persistent wheeze that mimic poorly controlled asthma.

BMJ Case Rep. 2013;2013

Authors: Mokoka MC, Ullah K, Curran DR, O'Connor TM

Upper airway obstruction can present with stridor or expiratory or inspiratory wheeze and is commonly misdiagnosed as asthma. As asthma is common, such cases can remain hidden among patients with lower airway obstruction who attend primary care or respiratory clinics. We describe four causes of upper airway obstruction (paradoxical vocal cord movement, subglottic stenosis, retrosternal goitre and double aortic arch) which were misdiagnosed as 'poorly controlled asthma'.

PMID: 24072840 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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