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Implementation of a clinical pharmacy specialist-managed telephonic hospital discharge follow-up program in a patient-centered medical home.
Popul Health Manag. 2013 Aug;16(4):235-41
Authors: Anderson SL, Marrs JC, Vande Griend JP, Hanratty R
The objectives of this retrospective study were to examine the feasibility and characteristics that define successful implementation of a Clinical Pharmacy Specialist (CPS) telephonic hospital discharge follow-up quality improvement initiative, as well as the impact of this initiative. Adult patients who were discharged from a safety-net hospital between July 1, 2010 and June 30, 2011 and who were part of a patient-centered medical home were included in this quality improvement initiative. CPSs attempted to contact 470 patients; of those, 207 received the intervention and 263 did not. Patients in the contacted group were more likely to attend a hospital discharge follow-up appointment (66.2% vs. 44.5%, P<0.01) and had lower rates of 30-day readmission (22 vs. 52, P<0.01) compared to those who were not contacted. Institutions should consider allocating resources for pharmacist-managed posthospital discharge follow-up services because of the potential for positive clinical and financial impact.
PMID: 23537153 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]