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Stroke awareness among inpatient nursing staff at an academic medical center.
Stroke. 2014 Jan;45(1):271-3
Authors: Adelman EE, Meurer WJ, Nance DK, Kocan MJ, Maddox KE, Morgenstern LB, Skolarus LE
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Because 10% of strokes occur in hospitalized patients, we sought to evaluate stroke knowledge and predictors of stroke knowledge among inpatient and emergency department nursing staff.
METHODS: Nursing staff completed an online stroke survey. The survey queried outcome expectations (the importance of rapid stroke identification), self-efficacy in recognizing stroke, and stroke knowledge (to name 3 stroke warning signs or symptoms). Adequate stroke knowledge was defined as the ability to name ≥2 stroke warning signs. Logistic regression was used to identify the association between stroke symptom knowledge and staff characteristics (education, clinical experience, and nursing unit), stroke self-efficacy, and outcome expectations.
RESULTS: A total of 875 respondents (84% response rate) completed the survey and most of the respondents were nurses. More than 85% of respondents correctly reported ≥2 stroke warning signs or symptoms. Greater self-efficacy in identifying stroke symptoms (odds ratio, 1.13; 95% confidence interval, 1.01-1.27) and higher ratings for the importance of rapid identification of stroke symptoms (odds ratio, 1.23; 95% confidence interval, 1.002-1.51) were associated with stroke knowledge. Clinical experience, educational experience, nursing unit, and personal knowledge of a stroke patient were not associated with stroke knowledge.
CONCLUSIONS: Stroke outcome expectations and self-efficacy are associated with stroke knowledge and should be included in nursing education about stroke.
PMID: 24135928 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]