Electronic handoff instruments: a truly multidisciplinary tool?

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Electronic handoff instruments: a truly multidisciplinary tool?

J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2014 Feb 19;

Authors: Schuster KM, Jenq GY, Thung SF, Hersh DC, Nunes J, Silverman DG, Horwitz LI

The objective was to assess use of a physician handoff tool embedded in the electronic medical record by nurses and other non-physicians. We administered a survey to nurses, physical therapists, discharge planners, social workers, and others to assess integration into daily practice, usefulness, and accuracy of the handoff tool. 231 individuals (61% response) participated. 60% used the tool often or usually/always during a shift. Nurses (46%) used the tool for shift transitions and found it helpful for medical history (79%) but not for acquiring medication, allergy, and responsible physician information. Nurses (96%) and others (75%) rated the tool as accurate. Medical nurses rated the tool more useful than surgical nurses, and pediatric nurses rarely used the tool. The tool was integrated into the daily workflow of non-physicians despite being designed for physician use. Non-physicians should be included in the design and implementation of electronic patient handoff systems.

PMID: 24553477 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

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