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Thoracic infections in immunocompromised patients.
Radiol Clin North Am. 2014 Jan;52(1):121-36
Authors: Ahuja J, Kanne JP
Infections account for approximately 75% of all pulmonary complications in immunocompromised patients, and early and accurate diagnosis is essential because of associated high morbidity and mortality. The number of immunocompromised patients continues to increase because of greater use of immunosuppressive agents. Certain organisms are likely to cause infection with certain types of immunosuppression and during specific times during the course of immunosuppression. Knowledge of the acuity of the patient's illness, environmental exposures, nature of the underlying immune defect(s), and duration and severity of immunodeficiency can help the radiologist provide a more accurate differential diagnosis for the cause of pulmonary infection.
PMID: 24267714 [PubMed - in process]