The cost of disruptive and unprofessional behaviors in health care.

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The cost of disruptive and unprofessional behaviors in health care.

Acad Radiol. 2013 Sep;20(9):1074-6

Authors: Rawson JV, Thompson N, Sostre G, Deitte L

RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: In an era of decreased reimbursements and rising expenses, academic health care systems are seeking alternative sources of funding. We hypothesized that the costs associated with disruptive physician behavior represented a source of potential savings and hence a possible financial stream which could be redirected to support other academic activities.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: To test this hypothesis, we reviewed costs associated with disruptive behavior in clinical and education settings and estimated their savings in academic health care systems.
RESULTS: In a 400 bed hospital, the combined costs for disruptive physician behaviors (due to staff turnover, medication errors and procedural errors) exceed $1 million.
CONCLUSIONS: Reducing disruptive physician behavior in academic health care systems is a potential funding stream with the added benefits of improved patient safety, reduced medical errors and improved medical student/resident education.

PMID: 23931419 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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