Assessment for possible healthcare-associated transmission of a new variant influenza virus-pennsylvania, august 2011.

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Assessment for possible healthcare-associated transmission of a new variant influenza virus-pennsylvania, august 2011.

Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2013 Dec;34(12):1306-9

Authors: Greenbaum AH, Wong K, Nguyen D, Smith E, Torso L, Chen G, Wise M, Casey M, Ostroff S, Nambiar A, Nalluswami K, Miller J, Lute J, Klimov A, Emery S, Green M, Giampa P, Moll M, Finelli L, Jhung M

In August 2011, one of the earliest cases of influenza A(H3N2) variant [A(H3N2)v] virus infection was hospitalized with severe illness. To investigate the potential for healthcare-associated transmission of influenza A(H3N2)v, we evaluated both healthcare providers and patient contacts of the case. We found that healthcare-associated transmission was unlikely.

PMID: 24225616 [PubMed - in process]

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