Patients with chronic endocrine disease.

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Patients with chronic endocrine disease.

Med Clin North Am. 2013 Nov;97(6):1123-37

Authors: Njoku MJ

This article summarizes the key features and clinical considerations related to preoperative management and planning for the care of patients of common endocrine disorders (diabetes mellitus, adrenal insufficiency, thyroid disease), a less common disorder but one that has significant perioperative implications (acromegaly), and 2 disorders for which preoperative management is essential to good postoperative outcomes (pheochromocytoma and carcinoid syndrome). There are few evidence-based guidelines for preoperative management of chronic endocrine disease; hence, this review is based on recent subspecialty society consensus guidelines and professional society clinical practice recommendations.

PMID: 24182723 [PubMed - in process]

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