Fever in the returning traveler.

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Fever in the returning traveler.

Emerg Med Clin North Am. 2013 Nov;31(4):927-44

Authors: Kotlyar S, Rice BT

Fever in ill travelers returning home from developing nations is common. Most travelers present with undifferentiated febrile syndromes. Regional proportionate morbidity rates and patients' travel histories are essential in narrowing the differential diagnosis. Most patients in whom a diagnosis is confirmed have malaria, dengue fever, enteric fever, or rickettsial disease. Empiric treatment based on the clinical presentation is required in many cases, because acquisition of confirmatory laboratory data is often delayed. The focus of this article is travel-related illness that falls within the spectrum of the acute febrile syndrome.

PMID: 24176472 [PubMed - in process]

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