Fever in immunocompromised hosts.

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Fever in immunocompromised hosts.

Emerg Med Clin North Am. 2013 Nov;31(4):1059-71

Authors: Patel DM, Riedel DJ

Fever is one of the most common reasons for the emergency department presentation of immunocompromised patients. Their differential diagnosis can be broad and includes rare or unexpected pathogens. Certain infectious causes of fever portend true emergencies; if they are not managed appropriately, rapid progression and death may ensue. This article reviews the diagnosis and management of fevers in patients immunocompromised by human immunodeficiency virus/AIDS, solid-organ and hematopoietic transplants, chemotherapy-induced neutropenia, and tumor necrosis factor-α inhibitors. Prompt recognition of the type of immunosuppression and delineation of possible causes of fever are critical for management of these complex patients.

PMID: 24176479 [PubMed - in process]

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