A survey of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus control strategies in Italy.

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A survey of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus control strategies in Italy.

Infection. 2013 Aug;41(4):783-9

Authors: Pan A, Bombana E, Tura G, Curti C, Lorenzotti S, Mondello P, Patroni A, Tacconelli E, Rigobello V, Signorini L, Vizio M, Goglio A

PURPOSE: Data regarding the implementation of state-of-the-art methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) control procedures in Italy are lacking. There is a need to evaluate compliance with MRSA recommendations (CR) in Italian hospitals.
METHODS: A 67-question closed-answer survey was sent to all Italian hospitals, in order to analyze and evaluate program consistency with CR [hand hygiene (HH), contact precautions, screening of high-risk patients, decolonization, feedback on surveillance data, and antimicrobial guidelines and education programs].
RESULTS: 205 hospitals, which account for 42 % of national admissions, returned questionnaires. 131 hospitals (64 %) did not have written MRSA control guidelines. Hospitals reported the following levels of compliance with CR: (1) HH: 67 hospitals (33 %); (2) contact precautions: 33 (16 %); (3) MRSA screening: 66 (32 %); (4) MRSA decolonization: 42 (20 %); (5) surveillance data feedback: 87 (43 %); and (6) antimicrobial guidelines and education programs: 41 (20 %). One hospital (0.5 % of responses) had implemented all recommendations and 28 hospitals (14 %) had implemented four or five recommendations. 31 % of hospitals surveyed had implemented none. Multivariate analysis showed that the only factor identified as being associated with the implementation of MRSA control recommendations was the number of meetings/year of the infection control team (ICT) (p = 0.004).
CONCLUSIONS: Written MRSA control guidelines are available in only one-third of Italian facilities. An organized system, with ≥4 interventions, has been implemented in just 1 out of 7 hospitals. HH programs and ICT activity are related to better MRSA control. In Italy, there is significant opportunity for improvement in MRSA control.

PMID: 23543436 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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