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Deep vein thrombosis/pulmonary embolism: a survey of self-reported prevention practices among hospitals.
J Healthc Qual. 2012 Jul-Aug;34(4):15-23
Authors: Tietze MF, Doughty P, Alberico JG, Bailey P, Jacob B, Sanborn MD, Scribner LH
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE) are major causes of preventable complications for hospitalized patients worldwide. The National Quality Forum (NQF) recommends that all patients be assessed for DVT/PE risk upon admission, periodically thereafter, and receive evidence-based pharmacologic prophylaxis. Objectives of this study were to capture information about hospital practices related to detection, prevention, and treatment of DVT/PE and to explore relationships between hospital characteristics and an applicable patient safety indicator (PSI) #12 postoperative DVT/PE. Two study phases were conducted in the south-central region of the United States. First, a survey tailored to gather information about the study objectives from subject matter experts was administered, and then, using the subject matter expert results, an online survey of performance improvement professionals was deployed. Using this 5-point Likert scale online survey, respondents at each hospital reflected their DVT/PE prevention practices approach and status. Results provided insight for trends in hospital-based DVT/PE prevention practice, associated hospital characteristics, relationship among domains of prevention practice, and how electronic DVT/PE order sets related to DVT/PE outcomes. Relationship of all these characteristics to hospital overall PSI #12 postoperative DVT/PE rates were compared. Future study and survey development recommendations were discussed.
PMID: 22059854 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]