Faculty Member Review and Feedback Using a Sign-Out Checklist: Improving Intern Written Sign-Out.

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Faculty Member Review and Feedback Using a Sign-Out Checklist: Improving Intern Written Sign-Out.

Acad Med. 2012 Jun 20;

Authors: Bump GM, Bost JE, Buranosky R, Elnicki M


PURPOSE: Although residents commonly perform patient care sign-out during training, faculty do not frequently supervise or evaluate sign-out. The authors designed a sign-out checklist, and they investigated whether use of the checklist, paired with faculty member review and feedback, would improve interns' written sign-out. METHOD: In a randomized, controlled design in 2011, the authors compared the sign-out content and the overall sign-out summary scores of interns who received twice-monthly faculty member sign-out evaluation with those of interns who received the standard sign-out instruction. A sign-out checklist, which the authors developed on the basis of internal needs assessment and published sign-out recommendations, guided the evaluation of written sign-out content and sign-out organization as well as the twice-monthly, face-to-face evaluation that the interns in the intervention group received. RESULTS: Using the sign-out checklist and receiving feedback from a faculty member led to statistically significant improvements in interns' sign-out. Through regression analysis, the authors calculated a 23% difference in the sign-out content (P = .005) and a 2.2-point difference in the overall summary score (on a 9-point scale, P = .009) between the interns who received sign-out feedback and those who did not. The content and quality of the intervention group's sign-outs improved, whereas the content and quality of the control group's worsened. CONCLUSIONS: A sign-out checklist paired with twice-monthly, face-to-face feedback from a faculty member led to improvements in the content and quality of interns' written sign-out.

PMID: 22722359 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

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