Evidence-based venous thromboembolism prophylaxis is associated with a six-fold decrease in numbers of symptomatic venous thromboembolisms in rehabilitation inpatients.

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Evidence-based venous thromboembolism prophylaxis is associated with a six-fold decrease in numbers of symptomatic venous thromboembolisms in rehabilitation inpatients.

PM R. 2011 Dec;3(12):1111-1115.e1

Authors: Mayer RS, Streiff MB, Hobson DB, Halpert DE, Berenholtz SM

OBJECTIVES: To measure the impact of a standardized risk assessment tool and specialty-specific, risk-adjusted venous thromboembolism (VTE) order sets on compliance with American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) guidelines and the number of symptomatic VTE as assessed by administrative data.
DESIGN: Prospective cohort study.
SETTING: Academic hospital inpatient rehabilitation unit.
PATIENTS AND PARTICIPANTS: All patients on the rehabilitation unit. METHODS AND INTERVENTIONS: Assessment of VTE risk factors and evaluated admission VTE prophylaxis orders before and after implementation of an ACCP guideline-based, specialty-specific VTE risk assessment, and prophylaxis order set by using a standardized data collection form.
MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Discharge diagnostic codes for VTE and pulmonary embolism were tracked by ICD-9 (International Classification of Diseases, 9th edition) discharge diagnosis codes for the 12 months before and 36 months after the intervention.
RESULTS: Before implementation of the VTE order set, 27% of patients received VTE prophylaxis in compliance with the 2004 ACCP VTE guidelines. By following implementation of specialty-specific, risk-adjusted VTE order sets, compliance increased to 98%. In the year before VTE order-set implementation, the number of VTEs per admission was 49 per 1000. By following implementation, the number of VTEs steadily decreased each year to 8 per 1000 in 2007 (?(2) = 14.985; P = .0001).
CONCLUSIONS: Implementation of a standardized VTE risk assessment tool and prophylaxis order set resulted in a substantial improvement in compliance with ACCP guidelines for VTE prophylaxis and was associated with a 6-fold reduction in the number of symptomatic VTEs in a hospital-based rehabilitation unit.

PMID: 22192320 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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