Detecting delayed microbiology results after hospital discharge: improving patient safety through an automated medical informatics tool.

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Detecting delayed microbiology results after hospital discharge: improving patient safety through an automated medical informatics tool.

Mayo Clin Proc. 2011 Dec;86(12):1181-5

Authors: Wilson JW, Marshall WF, Estes LL

We developed a computerized medical informatics tool to identify patients who had a culture performed on a sterile body site specimen during their hospitalization that subsequently turned positive after hospital dismissal. During a 13-month period, 533 patients had a positive culture identified by our Computer-Based Antimicrobial Monitoring (CBAM) program after hospital dismissal, and 112 (21%) of these culture results necessitated an intervention and communication with the primary health care professional. Thirty-two (29%) of positive cultures were from the blood. Thirty-eight (34%) of the CBAM interventions with available outcome data resulted in initiation of, change in, or prolongation of outpatient antimicrobial therapy. The CBAM program serves an important role in optimizing patient care and communication with the health care professional during the transition from inpatient to outpatient management.

PMID: 22134937 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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