Preoperative preparation of patient with diabetes mellitus.

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Preoperative preparation of patient with diabetes mellitus.

Acta Chir Iugosl. 2011;58(2):97-102

Authors: Kalezi? N, Velickovi J, Jankovi? R, Sabljak V, Zivaljevi? V, Vuceti? C

The goal of this article is to present the importance of diabetes mellitus as comorbidity in patients submitting to different surgical procedures. The results of numerous studies that have been presented here showed worst surgical outcome in patients with bad diabetes control. This review considers the elements for preoperative evaluation and preparation of these patients (former therapy, longterm metabolic control, micro and macrovascular complications etc). According to existing data, the goals for preoperative preparation and the regimes for their achievement have been defined. Also, the regimes for blood glucose controle during intraoperative and postoperative period have been evaluated in this article.

PMID: 21879657 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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