Observing Handoffs and Telephone Management in GI Fellowship Training.

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Observing Handoffs and Telephone Management in GI Fellowship Training.

Am J Gastroenterol. 2011 Aug;106(8):1410-4

Authors: Williams R, Miler R, Shah B, Chokhavatia S, Poles M, Zabar S, Gillespie C, Weinshel E

Gastroenterology (GI) training programs are mandated to teach fellows interpersonal communication and professionalism as basic competencies. We sought to assess important skill sets used by our fellows but not formally observed or measured: handoffs, telephone management, and note writing. We designed an Observed Standardized Clinical Examination (OSCE) form and provided the faculty with checklists to rate fellows' performance on specific criteria.

PMID: 21811269 [PubMed - in process]

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