Challenges and benefits of an inpatient anticoagulation service: one hospital’s experience.

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Challenges and benefits of an inpatient anticoagulation service: one hospital's experience.

J Thromb Thrombolysis. 2011 Apr;31(3):344-52

Authors: Burnett A, D'Angio R, Earl LE, Garcia D

While outpatient anticoagulation services (AMS) have existed extensively for a number of years, inpatient AMS have only recently begun to be implemented on a widespread basis. This is in direct response to anticoagulation regulations set forth by entities such as the Joint Commission (TJC) and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services (CMS). Hospitals not complying with these regulations are at risk for either financial or accreditation punition. Inpatient AMS have reported positive impacts on patient outcomes in the literature, which gives hospitals an additional impetus to provide this type of service. Inpatient AMS pose many challenges, including identification of resources for development and implementation of the service, means to make changes to the service as it evolves and effectively tracking performance of the service. Using a well-planned, methodical approach for implementation has helped our institution capitalize on the numerous potential benefits of an inpatient AMS, including improved inpatient anticoagulation therapy, improved transitions of care and enhanced interdisciplinary practices.

PMID: 21327510 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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