Avoidable errors in dealing with anaphylactoid reactions to iodinated contrast media.
Invest Radiol. 2011 Mar;46(3):147-51
Authors: Segal AJ, Bush WH
Contrast reactions are much less common today than in the past. This is principally because of the current and predominant use of low and iso-osmolar contrast media compared with the prior use of high osmolality contrast media. As a result of the significantly diminished frequency, there are now fewer opportunities for physicians to recognize and appropriately treat such adverse reactions. In review of the literature combined with our own clinical and legal experience, 12 potential errors were identified and these are reviewed in detail so that they can be avoided by the physician-in-charge. Basic treatment considerations are presented along with a plan to systematize an approach to contrast reactions, simplify treatment options and plans, and schedule periodic drills.
PMID: 21150793 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]