Vitamin K Antagonists – Current Concepts and Challenges.

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Vitamin K Antagonists - Current Concepts and Challenges.

Thromb Res. 2011 May 11;

Authors: Moualla H, Garcia D

Vitamin K antagtonists (VKAs) have, for decades, been the corner-stone of anticoagulation in the outpatient setting. While the long half life makes once daily administration practical, close monitoring of VKA effect is necessary because these medicines have a narrow therapeutic index. Despite inter-individual variations in response to VKA doses, the increasing availability of specialized anticoagulation monitoring systems, along with a better understanding of potential drug and dietary interactions, has made the use of VKAs safer and less burdensome. In the future, newer classes of oral anticoagulants and genomic-based dosing strategies may further expand or improve the management options for many patients at risk for thromboembolism.

PMID: 21570107 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

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