Catheter ablation therapy for atrial fibrillation: current advancements in strategies.

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Catheter ablation therapy for atrial fibrillation: current advancements in strategies.

Circ J. 2007;71 Suppl A:A82-9

Authors: Iesaka Y, Otomo K, Nagata Y, Uno K

Curing atrial fibrillation (AF) by catheter ablation has significantly improved patient morbidity and mortality. The circumferential pulmonary vein isolation technique is established as the principal procedure, with a high cure rate and acceptable safety, for paroxysmal AF, but new adjunctive ablation strategies targeting the AF substrates and sources for long-standing persistent/chronic AF have been developed. These new techniques include linear ablation, complex fractionated atrial electrogram guided ablation, dominant frequency map-guided ablation, ganglionated plexi ablation and disconnection of the coronary sinus and superior vena cava to ablate the AF substrates and sources. The long-term usefulness of the established technique and these innovative adjunctive approaches for the treatment of AF remains to be investigated.

PMID: 17587745 [PubMed - in process]

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