Effect on Treadmill Exercise Capacity, Myocardial Ischemia, and Left Ventricular Function as a Result of Repeated Whole-Body Periodic Acceleration With Heparin Pretreatment in Patients With Angina Pectoris and Mild Left Ventricular Dysfunction.

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Effect on Treadmill Exercise Capacity, Myocardial Ischemia, and Left Ventricular Function as a Result of Repeated Whole-Body Periodic Acceleration With Heparin Pretreatment in Patients With Angina Pectoris and Mild Left Ventricular Dysfunction.

Am J Cardiol. 2010 Dec 1;

Authors: Miyamoto S, Fujita M, Inoko M, Oba M, Hosokawa R, Haruna T, Izumi T, Saji Y, Nakane E, Abe T, Ueyama K, Nohara R

Whole-body periodic acceleration (WBPA) has been developed as a passive exercise device capable of improving endothelial function by applying pulsatile shear stress to vascular endothelium. We hypothesized that treatment with WBPA improves exercise capacity, myocardial ischemia, and left ventricular (LV) function because of increased coronary and peripheral vasodilatory reserves in patients with angina. Twenty-six patients with angina who were not indicated for percutaneous coronary intervention and/or coronary artery bypass grafting were randomly assigned to remain sedentary (sedentary group) or undergo 20 sessions of WBPA with the motion platform for 4 weeks (WBPA group) in addition to conventional medical treatment. WBPA was applied at 2 to 3 Hz and approximately ±2.2 m/s(2) for 45 minutes. We repeated the symptom-limited treadmill exercise test and adenosine sestamibi myocardial scintigraphy. In the WBPA group, the exercise time until 0.1-mV ST-segment depression increased by 53% (p <0.01) and the double product at 0.1-mV ST-segment depression by 23% (p <0.001). Severity score of myocardial scintigraphy during adenosine infusion decreased from 20 ± 10 to 14 ± 8 (p <0.001) and severity score at rest also decreased from 13 ± 10 to 8 ± 10 (p <0.01). On scintigraphic images at rest, LV end-diastolic volume index decreased by 18% (p <0.01) with an augmentation of LV ejection fraction from 50 ± 16% to 55 ± 16% (p <0.01). In contrast, all studied parameters remained unchanged in the sedentary group. In conclusion, treatment with WBPA for patients with angina ameliorates exercise capacity, myocardial ischemia, and LV function.

PMID: 21129712 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

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