Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis: Reducing Non-Indicated Prescribing After Hospital Discharge(October).

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Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis: Reducing Non-Indicated Prescribing After Hospital Discharge(October).

Ann Pharmacother. 2010 Sep 14;

Authors: Hatch JB, Schulz L, Fish JT

BACKGROUND: Gastric acid suppressant medications used as stress ulcer prophylaxis (SUP) in the intensive care unit (ICU) are often prescribed inappropriately after discharge. We present tools to reduce the use and cost of non-indicated SUP. OBJECTIVE: To reduce the non-indicated use of SUP after hospital discharge originally started in the ICU, using an education intervention and pharmacist-led medication reconciliation on patient care rounds and at hospital discharge. METHODS: In a retrospective medical record review using a historic control, 356 consecutively admitted patients to the medical/surgical ICU at the University of Wisconsin Hospital were assessed for the appropriate use of SUP at admission to the ICU, at transfer to a general care unit, and at hospital discharge. The education intervention involved teaching both the medical and pharmacist staff about indications for SUP using a memorandum and a pocket guide. Pharmacists also conducted medication reconciliation during daily patient care rounds and at discharge to justify medication use. The outcome of this study is the percentage of patients prescribed non-indicated gastric acid suppressants at hospital discharge. This outcome is compared to a previous study conducted at our hospital. RESULTS: Of 356 eligible patients, 308 (86.5%) received SUP while in the ICU. Thirty-nine (11%) were given continuing SUP after discharge from the hospital, of which 31 (8.7%) had no clear indication. This was a 64.3% reduction from the 24.4% found in the prior study (p < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: Educational materials that guide prescribing, pharmacist interaction on patient care rounds, and pharmacist-conducted medication reconciliation significantly reduced the prescribing of non-indicated gastric acid suppressant medications after hospital discharge.

PMID: 20841521 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

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