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Lancet. 2010 Mar 13;375(9718):924-37

Authors: Puy H, Gouya L, Deybach JC

Hereditary porphyrias are a group of eight metabolic disorders of the haem biosynthesis pathway that are characterised by acute neurovisceral symptoms, skin lesions, or both. Every porphyria is caused by abnormal function of a separate enzymatic step, resulting in a specific accumulation of haem precursors. Seven porphyrias are the result of a partial enzyme deficiency, and a gain of function mechanism has been characterised in a new porphyria. Acute porphyrias present with acute attacks, typically consisting of severe abdominal pain, nausea, constipation, confusion, and seizure, and can be life-threatening. Cutaneous porphyrias present with either acute painful photosensitivity or skin fragility and blisters. Rare recessive porphyrias usually manifest in early childhood with either severe cutaneous photosensitivity and chronic haemolysis or chronic neurological symptoms with or without photosensitivity. Porphyrias are still underdiagnosed, but when they are suspected, and dependent on clinical presentation, simple first-line tests can be used to establish the diagnosis in all symptomatic patients. Diagnosis is essential to enable specific treatments to be started as soon as possible. Screening of families to identify presymptomatic carriers is crucial to decrease risk of overt disease of acute porphyrias through counselling about avoidance of potential precipitants.

PMID: 20226990 [PubMed - in process]

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