Is There a Relationship Between High-Quality Performance in Major Teaching Hospitals and Residents’ Knowledge of Quality and Patient Safety?

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Is There a Relationship Between High-Quality Performance in Major Teaching Hospitals and Residents' Knowledge of Quality and Patient Safety?

Acad Med. 2009 Nov;84(11):1510-1515

Authors: Pingleton SK, Horak BJ, Davis DA, Goldmann DA, Keroack MA, Dickler RM

PURPOSE: The relationship of the quality of teaching hospitals' clinical performance to resident education in quality and patient safety is unclear. The authors studied residents' knowledge of these areas in major teaching hospitals with higher- and lower-quality performance rankings. They assessed the presence of formal and informal quality curricula to determine whether programmatic differences exist. METHOD: The authors used qualitative research methodology with purposeful sampling. They gathered data from individual structured interviews with residents and key educational and quality leaders in six medical schools and teaching hospitals, which represented a range of quality performance rankings, geographic regions, and public or private status. RESULTS: No relationship emerged between a hospital's quality status, residents' curriculum, and the residents' understanding of quality. Residents' definitions of quality and safety and their knowledge of the practice-based learning and systems-based practice competencies were indistinguishable between hospitals. Residents in all programs had extensive patient safety knowledge acquired through an informal curriculum in the hospital setting. A formal curriculum existed in only two programs, both of them ambulatory settings. CONCLUSIONS: Residents' learning about quality and patient safety is extensive, largely through a positive informal curriculum in the teaching hospital and, less frequently, via a formal curriculum. No relationship was found between the quality performance of the teaching hospital and the residents' curriculum or understanding of quality or safety. Residents seem to learn through an informal curriculum provided by hospital initiatives and resources, and thus these data suggest the importance of major teaching hospitals in quality education.

PMID: 19858806 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

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