Invasive candidiasis and candidemia: from current opinions to future perspectives.

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Invasive candidiasis and candidemia: from current opinions to future perspectives.

Expert Opin Investig Drugs. 2009 Jun;18(6):735-48

Authors: Rueping MJ, Vehreschild JJ, Cornely OA

Candida spp. are the fourth most common cause of nosocomial bloodstream infections in the United States, as well as the single most important cause of opportunistic fungal infections worldwide. A delayed diagnosis of invasive candidiasis and/or inadequate treatment choice is associated with high mortality rates and prolonged hospital stays. Even though the antifungal armamentarium has been broadened significantly over the last years, the best options for diagnosing and treating invasive candidiasis still remain a matter of discussion. In this article we present and analyze current evidence on the epidemiology, diagnostic methods and treatment options of invasive candidiasis, with a focus on results from randomized clinical trials. Finally, the reader is provided with a brief overview on promising clinical trial designs and antifungals that might shape the treatment of invasive candidiasis in the years to come.

PMID: 19426121 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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