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Computerized physician order entry in critical care.
Best Pract Res Clin Anaesthesiol. 2009 Mar;23(1):27-38
Authors: Colpaert K, Decruyenaere J
Computerized physician order entry means prescribing of medication and ordering laboratory tests or radiology examinations in an electronic way instead of using paper forms. In itself, it offers advantages such as legible orders, faster order completion, inventory management and automatic billing. If combined with clinical decision support, the real benefits of CPOE become apparent in the first place by prevention of medication errors and adverse drug events. On the contrary, if CPOE configuration is not done carefully, adverse drug events can be facilitated. Therefore, and for reasons of end-user acceptance, implementation is challenging. CPOE has the potential for significant economic saving. However, the initial implementation cost is high.
PMID: 19449614 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]