Peripheral neuropathy.

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Peripheral neuropathy.

Med Clin North Am. 2009 Mar;93(2):317-42, vii-viii

Authors: Pascuzzi RM

Patients presenting with symptoms of peripheral neuropathy are commonplace in the practice of generalist physicians, office based or hospitalists. Although there are at least a thousand different causes for peripheral neuropathy, the majority of patients can be properly diagnosed (and managed) based on framing the diagnostic possibilities within one of six typical scenarios. The case presentations in this article illustrate common and less common but essential presentations and the approach to evaluation and treatment. For these patients the key to success lies in the history and clinical examination findings.

PMID: 19272511 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

One Comment

  1. Most cases of diabetic peripheral neuropathy that we see at our diabetic shoe supply company are being treated primarily by pharmacological agents. Although the published data specific to diabetic PN is limited, the lack of side effects and the reported positive outcomes to home electrotherapy should cause physicians at least to consider this alternative to drug therapy. Physical therapists use electrostimulation for wound healing, tissue healing, increasing blood flow to the treated area, etc. So use of a home estim unit offers more consitent delivery of this type of treatment to the affected areas. Over the years we have passed along the published data on technology from a company called Prizm Medical. The Univ of Texas San Antonio Orthopedic-Podiatry Dept study did a small study with this technology. It showed statistically significant positive outcomes to reduce reduce symptoms of diabetic PN in 4 weeks and no side effects were reported. The company developed a below knee stocking that uses silver fibers to conduct the high volt pulsed galvanic current throughout the lower extremity. When physical therapists use this type of modality to treat soft tissue injuries, they see increased blood flow and reduced edema. When HVPC is used for wound healing, wounds close faster and the new tissue has more tensile strength (which resists reoccurence of the wound in the same area). Now that a home unit that is easy to use and does not require specific placement of patch electrodes, patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy have an alternative to drugs that can reverse the symptoms quickly and safely.

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