The effect of routine rounding by nursing staff on patient satisfaction on a cardiac telemetry unit.

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The effect of routine rounding by nursing staff on patient satisfaction on a cardiac telemetry unit.

Health Care Manag (Frederick). 2008 Oct-Dec;27(4):332-7

Authors: Sobaski T, Abraham M, Fillmore R, McFall DE, Davidhizar R

Patients' perception of their care is affected by the attention they receive while hospitalized. It has become a popular metric for improving the quality of care delivered. Rounding is believed to be the key to patients' perception of the care they receive. In this study, nursing administration wanted to increase patient's perception of how well their needs were being met. Regular scheduled rounding provided an opportunity for nursing to interact with patients on a regular schedule. All nursing care categories measured exceeded the goal of 90% in the first month after implementation, with the largest increase of averaged percentages being "attention to special or personal needs.

PMID: 19011416 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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