Laparoscopic T-tube choledochotomy for biliary lithiasis.

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Laparoscopic T-tube choledochotomy for biliary lithiasis.

JSLS. 2008 Jul-Sep;12(3):326-31

Authors: Garteiz Martínez D, Sánchez AW, López Acosta ME

T-tube choledochotomy has been an established practice in common bile duct exploration for many years. Although bile leaks, biliary peritonitis, and long-term postoperative strictures have been reported and are directly associated with the placement or removal of the T-tube, the severity of these complications may often be underestimated by surgeons. We present the case of a 31-year-old male patient who developed biliary peritonitis and septic shock after removal of a T-tube and illustrate one of the catastrophic events that may follow such procedures. Literature shows that these complications may occur more frequently and have higher morbidity and mortality than other less invasive procedures. This article reviews the advances in laparoscopic and endoscopic techniques, which provide alternative therapeutic approaches to choledocholithiasis and allow the surgeon to avoid having to perform a choledochotomy with T-tube drainage.

PMID: 18765064 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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