Biphasic insulin aspart 70/30 vs. insulin glargine in insulin naïve type 2 diabetes patients: modelling the long-term health economic implications in a Swedish setting.

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Biphasic insulin aspart 70/30 vs. insulin glargine in insulin naïve type 2 diabetes patients: modelling the long-term health economic implications in a Swedish setting.

Int J Clin Pract. 2008 Jun;62(6):869-76

Authors: Goodall G, Jendle JH, Valentine WJ, Munro V, Brandt AB, Ray JA, Roze S, Foos V, Palmer AJ

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the long-term clinical and economic outcomes of biphasic insulin aspart 70/30 (BIAsp 70/30) treatment vs. insulin glargine in insulin naïve, type 2 diabetes patients failing oral antidiabetic drugs in a Swedish setting. METHODS: A published and validated computer simulation model (the CORE Diabetes Model) was used to project life expectancy, quality-adjusted life expectancy (QALE) and costs over patient lifetimes. Cohort characteristics [54.5% male, mean age 52.4 years, 9 years mean diabetes duration, mean glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c) 9.77%] and treatment effects were based on results from the Initiate Insulin by Aggressive Titration and Education (INITIATE) clinical trial. Direct medical costs were accounted in 2006 Swedish Kronor (SEK) and economic and clinical benefits were discounted at 3% per annum. RESULTS: Biphasic insulin aspart 70/30 treatment when compared with insulin glargine treatment was associated with improvements in discounted life expectancy of 0.21 years (13.10 vs. 12.89 years) and QALE of 0.21 quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) (9.16 vs. 8.96 QALYs). Reductions in the incidence of diabetes-related complications in the BIAsp 70/30 treatment arm led to reduced total costs of SEK 10,367 when compared with insulin glargine (SEK 396,475 vs. SEK 406,842) over patient lifetimes. BIAsp 70/30 treatment was projected to be dominant (cost and lifesaving) when compared with insulin glargine in the base case analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Biphasic insulin aspart 70/30 treatment was associated with improved clinical outcomes and reduced costs compared with insulin glargine treatment over patient lifetimes. These results were driven by improved HbA1c levels associated with BIAsp 70/30 compared with insulin glargine and the accompanying reduction in diabetes-related complications despite increases in body mass index.

PMID: 18479280 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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