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Acute gastrointestinal bleeding: value of MDCT.
Abdom Imaging. 2008 May-Jun;33(3):285-93
Authors: Jaeckle T, Stuber G, Hoffmann MH, Freund W, Schmitz BL, Aschoff AJ
Contrast-enhanced multidetector row helical computed tomography (MDCT) scanning is establishing itself as a rapid, noninvasive, and accurate diagnostic method in suspected acute gastrointestinal bleeding. Active bleeding can be depicted as an area of focal high attenuation within the bowel lumen on arterial phase MDCT images. New MDCT technologies facilitate three-dimensional image reconstruction, and higher temporal resolution is available with new MDCT scanner generations. This allows for the acquisition of arterial- and portal-venous phase images of the whole abdomen, revealing potential bleeding sources and simultaneously depict morphological changes in the abdomen, such as intestinal tumors. This article gives an overview of available diagnostic modalities in assessing gastrointestinal (GI) tract hemorrhage, with a special emphasis on new MDCT technology.
PMID: 17639378 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]